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People living with diabetes are managing a chronic condition that evolves over time, and throughout this journey they will have many interactions with healthcare professionals. Helping them navigate through the maze of lifestyle changes and treatment options can support them to better manage their condition to improve treatment outcomes.


When additional treatments are introduced to help provide better glucose control or reduce the risk of comorbid conditions, like cardiovascular disease, the journey can become even more complex. At each stage of the journey, patient education that explains the importance of these treatments and lifestyle changes can help improve adherence – but engaging in this kind of discussion can be time consuming for you as a healthcare professional.


Supporting your patient communications with Diabetes, What’s Next?

The resources on Diabetes, What’s Next? can help provide your patients with the additional supplementary information and support they need outside of clinical consultations to help drive more valuable and effective conversations, giving you more time to focus on their treatment and clinical management.


“I sometimes think that if only I had known then what I know now about diabetes complications, then maybe my heart attack could have been prevented.”

What is type 1 diabetes?

What is type 1 diabetes?


Woman walking in the street with people and a car passing by behind her.

What is type 2 diabetes?


Diabetes, What’s Next

Everything I wish I knew about my diabetes when I was diagnosed