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When it comes to treating type 2 diabetes, more options are available to your patients than ever before. Lifestyle modifications is a good start but even with this initial approach, many patients struggle to maintain glycaemic control and healthy weight, putting them at risk of long-term complications, such as myocardial infarction, diabetic kidney disease or stroke.1–3

A shift in approach towards early intensification of treatment, as soon as it becomes necessary, could be all your patients need to reduce their HbA1c, maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk factors that could lead to serious complications.3–5

50% of people living with type 2 diabetes

With uncontrolled HbA1c, a 1% drop could make all the difference.
7/10 people living with type 2 diabetes

An early shift could change lives.
90% of people living with type 2 diabetes

Is it time to shift the scale on type 2 diabetes with weight loss?

In people living with type 2 diabetes, glycaemic control can worsen over time. Despite the established benefits of intensive blood glucose control, there is an increasing proportion of patients not achieving desired glycaemic targets. This video covers the importance of good glycaemic control for reducing the risk of microvascular and macrovascular complications. Some of the key results of the UKPDS are summarized and explained, showing how delaying treatment intensification can have a dramatic effect on the risk of diabetes complications.1,6,10,11,14

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ADA/EASD consensus report for early treatment

Explore this simple guide to early treatment recommendations for type 2 diabetes as stated in the EASD/ADA consensus report.
GLP-1 RA education

Learn more about GLP-1 RA as a second-line treatment for people living with type 2 diabetes.

Stay informed about the latest approaches to type 2 diabetes and GLP-1 RA therapy.


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