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This site is not country-specific and therefore may contain information which is not applicable to your country. Therefore, before prescribing any product, always refer to local materials such as the prescribing information and/or the Summary of Product Characteristics.
This site is not intended to provide medical advice and/or treatment guidance. Novo Nordisk accepts no liability for the accuracy, completeness or use of the information, and disclaims any liability to update the information contained on this site.
The ESC Congress 2025 brings together leading cardiologists and healthcare professionals from around the world to discuss the latest advancements and innovations in the field of cardiovascular medicine.
Hosted by the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), the international cardiovascular congress provides a platform for networking, sharing knowledge, and learning about new technologies and treatments. The event features a diverse range of sessions, including keynote lectures, symposia, and interactive workshops, covering topics such as prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
Join Novo Nordisk from August 29 - September 1, 2025 at ESC 2025 in Madrid, Spain.
The information contained in this site is intended for healthcare professionals only outside of the United States of America. This site is not intended to provide medical advice and/or treatment guidance. Only a physician can determine whether a specific product is correct for a particular patient. This site is not country-specific and therefore may contain information which is not applicable to your country. Novo Nordisk accepts no liability for the accuracy, completeness or use of this information, and disclaims any liability to update the information contained on this site. By accessing this site and materials you accept this legal notice and expressly confirm your status as a healthcare professional. Any images shown on the page are models and not real patients.